Signs of dysfunction
Only 50.3% of students are proficient in math.*
Only 49.8% of students are proficient in science. *
Meanwhile the destructive racialization and sexualization of children accelerates.
Intellectual honesty & proven teaching methods have been replaced with political ideology and technocratic fads.
Good teachers don’t receive merit pay. Bad teachers face no consequences.
Administrators work with the union to avoid transparency and accountability.
School alternatives are dismissed in favor of protecting a state education monopoly.
We Believe...
Schools should be in philosophical alignment and accountable to the parents and citizens who fund them.
Empowering Children, Parents,
and Communities
First and foremost, we listen to reports from parents about what’s happening in our schools. We provide information and resources to help parents understand and exercise their rights. Mead Vision proposes policy changes and closely observes School Board deliberations. In addition, we write about current educational issues on our blog.
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It’s Time for Parents to Stand Up. Our Kids Deserve Better.
Parents all over the Mead School District are waking up to the troubling reality that their children’s education is being driven by experimental public health measures, political indoctrination, and historical revisionism. At Mead Vision, we believe in restoring the right relationship between parents and public schools.